Tuesday 26 February 2008

Back on Track

I am falling behind for getting updated with Blogger recently. Nothing new has happened, except starting new typing projects for my community and starting an editing process in the community as well. I haven't been able to play any games for the past ouple days but I'm still breathing and feeling alright.

Wednesday 20 February 2008

Lazy time!!!

Yesterday, I stayed home, and did absolutely nothing. I sat in front of my computer, repeatedly forgetting to do my homework, was experiencing writer's block, and wan't in the mood to play any games. It was a miserable and boring day for me. Nothing to do at all... nothing... nothing... nothing...

Tuesday 19 February 2008

Friends galor

New friends have been made and aquired over the past day through the internet. Although I have been monitering them for some time, yesterday was the day I first intoduced myself. Hopeully, everything will turn out bright and right.

Halfway through my typing project for the internet community. Atleast there are no tweaks there.

Monday 18 February 2008


Allas, I have finished playing all of my games, so there is no need to play them again anytime soon. Although this task is out of my way, I have been filled with an urge to watch a really old tv show again. I need to complete a story project for the internet community along with a cooperative project with a fellow comrade of mine to start up a new story for the community. This leaves little time for me to do my less important work, such as school and homework. Hopefully, I can get out of this bad habit and start doing what I'm suppose to be doing for the last ten years... Homework.

Sunday 17 February 2008


Over the weekend, I completed two things, a story for a internet community and a entire series of a game. This also wasted alot of my work time but at least I got those things ccomplished ad will now fully concentrate on the schoolwork taskset before me.

Also went skiing to Eden Valley. I enjoyed it there, but it was a bit chilly, windy and freezing cold.

Thursday 14 February 2008

Falling behind

Blegh. Somehow, I am able to keep up to date with my cor classes homework, but I keep forgetting the elective classes homework. I'll have to somhow manage my time more.

Finishing up the Journalism class homework. The flags can get confusing the the program that I am using will not cooperate all the time with me.

Tuesday 12 February 2008

Having fun at home

As soon as I gothome yesterdy, I got on my computer, opened up my homework, an started to type and got on the internet. Occasionaly I would remember to do my homework but mostly I was distracted by my computer.

Yesterday was fun, although I played no games, typing suited me as a pleasurable enjoyment.